Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Lost Art of Letter Writing: Daisy to Gatsby

My dearest Jay,
It has been the longest time since I've seen your lovely smile.  I can still see it clearly in my minds eye and I long to speak to you again, just like we used to on those warm mornings, sitting in my white roadster; simply enjoying each others presence.  Now I'm sitting at the edge of my dock, dangling my feet towards the glassy surface of the sound while writing this with only a small green light to see by.  Silly of me you might think, but I've never forgotten you or the promises we made to one another before that awful war came and tore us apart.  You may never get the chance to read this, regardless, I need to let you know how much I wish it was you that I was sharing my life with now.  During the short time we were able to be together you had shown me a love unparalleled by any other.  It was like every fibre of my being was alight, as if my every limb  was apart of some great Conney Island carnival.  I miss that feeling in my life and I would give up every ounce of wealth in my possession simply to be with you again.

Love Always, 

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